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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tips on how to handle the "Life Of A Working Teenager"

These tips helped me personally with working and going to school. Follow these tips and your life will be stress free!!

1.Communicate your schedule to your employers, friends, clients and family. Make sure the people around you know where you'll be and when. Sign up for an online calendar and send the URL to the people who depend on knowing where you are and when. Not everyone you work with will understand the demands of being a student and, similarly, not all of your classmates will understand the additional responsibilities of working while in school.

2.Manage stress. Stress is an inevitable part of being a student and a worker -- combine both together and you can expect to be stressed out. As much as you may try to prevent stress, you're going to have to learn how to relieve it as well.
  • Take those much-needed breaks. Give yourself time to collect yourself when you need it the most, so you can re-approach things with a clear head.
  • Be activeStretchSwimRun. Lift. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps relieve stress and you'll find that the more you get out and exercise, the easier work and school will seem. Exercising is commonly known to reduce stress.
  • Live. Don't forget to enjoy life. Don't get bogged down by nuisances of the demands of your academic and professional life. Take time to experience the world around you and appreciate your relationships in life. See moviesread books, watch sports. Don't forget to squeeze in the things that make life worth living into your schedule.
3.Be realistic. There may not be enough time for everything, so get your priorities straight and don't beat yourself up if you don't accomplish every single task you've set out to do on a given day. Stay positive and be thankful that you have the opportunity to make a living and get an education -- two things many people in the world go without.

4.Know that it can be done!. It may seem overwhelming at times, but remember that other people have gone through the same thing you are, and they have succeeded! You can too.

Monday, October 21, 2013

"Need To Know" Key Terms

Employee- a person who works for someone else or a company for a salary or wages.
Paychecks- a check in payment of wages or salary of an employee work and time
Schedule- a plan of things that will be done and the times they will be done.
School- (1) :  the process of teaching or learning especially at a school (2) :  attendance at a school (3) :  a session of a school
Work- a job or activity that you do regularly especially in order to earn money
Workforce-   the workers engaged in a specific activity or enterprise<the factory's workforce

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pros And Cons Of A Working Teen

The Pros and Cons of Teen Jobs

There are arguments both for and against a teenager getting a job, especially during the school year.
  • Jobs can teach teenagers work skills they will need their whole lives, such as how to fill out an application, how to interview well, how to work responsibly, and how to get along with co-workers and superiors
  • Jobs can help teens feel more confident and independent
  • Jobs help teens develop a sense of responsibility
  • Students who work 10 to 15 hours a week during the school year earn higher grades than students who don’t work at all
  • Jobs help teens learn to manage their money
  • Jobs cab help teens explore potential career paths
  • Teens who work more than 13 to 20 hours a week receive lower grades
  • Teens who work find it difficult to keep up extracurricular activities and friendships
  • Teens who work are more likely to use illegal drugs or alcohol
  • Overworked teens sleep and exercise less and spend less time with their families
The question may come down to yourself an individual : Am I  ready for a job? Can I handle working and still maintain good grades? Why do I want to work?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"My Views"

As a 16 year old, "Life As A Working Teen" can be rewarding, yet difficult. But working doesn't just mean in the workforce. As a teenager, it also means working in school. I'm a junior in high school, as well as a employee at Target. Now doing both can be very stressful. Being scheduled on school nights when I have assignments to finish make it difficult to keep up. At the same time its can also be rewarding. For example, I feel accomplish when I receive my pay checks every 2 weeks. I also feel proud of myself, when I complete an assignment and still manage to go to work. Basically "Life As A Working Teen" has its pros and cons.